King Kong makes a rather inauspicious debut on the PSP. Nobody would reasonably expect Kong on the PSP to be identical to its console counterparts, but in this case, too much has been cut from an already short game, and even if you've never played Kong on any other platform, you'll get the sneaking suspicion that something is missing from the equation.
In fact, this version of Kong seems to be about half the game it once was, with fewer enemies, no interaction with other characters, and a complete lack of story exposition. It delivers many of the same key levels, combat sequences, and Kong platforming sections as the console games, but not all of them. It sits somewhere between the greatness of the console and PC Kong and the awfulness of the DS Kong. Now, the lone holdout platform, the PlayStation Portable, has its own version of Kong.
On the Nintendo DS, however, Kong was an out-and-out failure, failing to grasp even the tiniest inkling of what made the console and PC games so much fun, and it also included a shameful number of bugs and glitches. On the consoles and PC, it was a hit, with its unique one-two combination of immersive and enjoyable first-person action and totally excellent third-person Kong levels-its only major flaw being its brevity.
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie hit just about every platform known to man back in November.